Tuesday 15 October 2013

A nibble of The Whim Wham Cafe

If you're looking for a cosy and relaxed spot on a chilly autumn Saturday evening, The Whim Wham Cafe is the place to go.

I had only been once before, on a sweaty summer day. Already then I liked it, but it was rather empty and the atmosphere felt a bit flat. I remember having a light refreshing salad but that was all I could manage because of the heat.

Except from nibbling on some olives and peanuts, I didn't eat this time. According to Jon the olives were "reeeally nice", though I think that was more down to hunger than the actual quality of the olives. I was busy studying people, enjoying the interiors and drinking my non-alcoholic Elderflower and Mint cocktail.
Whim Wham is designed to look like an old train carriage. You have to see it to get it, but it's retro in a balanced, not too stylish, way.

The crowd appears to be rather mixed. You get the hipsters; the sort that doesn't seem bothered about anything but having a good time. Then you get those totally weird groups of people that you just can't define. They're always a good sign though - no one has to feel excluded.

The menu doesn't offer that much vegetarian food but some of it sounds really tempting. Next time I think I'll have to try the Blueberry, Mint & Pickled Walnut Salad and the Beetroot Bourguignon. If it's not perfect, I probably won't mind, I'm sure the atmosphere will make up for it.

Whim Wham Cafe on Urbanspoon

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