I strongly believe that eating better doesn't necessarily have to be about getting slimmer, despite the endless amounts of ads, magazines and blogs trying to tell us so. Everyday food should be enjoyable, not full of guilt and pressure.
Are you like most people out there, you probably feel like you don't have time to change your entire lifestyle around anyway, like counting calories and running to dozens various specialist shops to get the latest 'superfoods'. But don't worry...
My golden food rule is to drop the rules. Are you hungry, then eat. However, this rule will be easier to follow if you simply limit the opportunities to eat too unhealthily. Make sure that the foods you always have available are somewhat healthy.
I get all my food from the big supermarkets (except Swedish and Finnish crispbread - yeah, I'm Scandinavian). It's completely possible and simple to stay healthy enough on food that won't empty your wallet, or energy levels for that matter.
Are you a big pasta fan like me, just buy wholegrain. Can you not stay away from bread? No worries. Make that brown too, as well as rice and whatever other wheats and grains you normally indulge.
Carrots, tomatoes, peppers and various fruits are great to always have at hand for quick snacks and salads. Nuts are a great option to overpriced sugary snack bars.
Last but not least, fill your cupboard with garlic, chilli and olive oil. They're bulletproof. With those ingredients even the most boring food will get tasty. Trust me, almost nothing can go wrong.
Although I might regret saying that as I'm making chilli/garlic spaghetti with broccoli and quorn later...
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