Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Easter south of our comfort zone

You know what's good medicine to a tired soul; a week of morning coffees in a sunny conservatory, with a sleeping baby in the fresh air - with emphasis on sleeping. It allowed me time to read the newspaper, eat breakfasts uninterrupted and take long showers. Luxury on a different level.

Last week was the first time we left home for real, got on a train down south and slept in someone else's sheets, since Herbert was born. The day of departure was a nightmare, the journey was anything but quiet and the first two nights weren't easy, but we settled bit by bit and after a few days we were all like content little babies. I still wonder if any baby in this world actually "sleeps like a baby" though, or if that saying comes from an ironic comedian..?

We went for a birthday meal with prosecco, green pizza and stripy outfits. We took walks, read books and bought baby-clothes from my favourite charity shop. We cooked vegetable lasagna, had Easter roast and apple pie and drank more coffee. Me and Jon had our very first baby-free time together and Jon took me on a run around Watford. Herbert generally behaved like babies do most, ie. loved wriggling around on the floor and exercising his legs, charmed everyone that showed him the slightest attention and wasn't satisfied until he had puked in every room in the house. I had a Tilting ale on the train down and bought the most expensive chewing gum ever on the way back.

A very good holiday... from my maternity leave. I'm returning, not less tired, but somehow revitalised. Full of food, in bigger need of coffee and inspired to build muscles and read books. Lots of muscles and books.

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