Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Easter south of our comfort zone

You know what's good medicine to a tired soul; a week of morning coffees in a sunny conservatory, with a sleeping baby in the fresh air - with emphasis on sleeping. It allowed me time to read the newspaper, eat breakfasts uninterrupted and take long showers. Luxury on a different level.

Last week was the first time we left home for real, got on a train down south and slept in someone else's sheets, since Herbert was born. The day of departure was a nightmare, the journey was anything but quiet and the first two nights weren't easy, but we settled bit by bit and after a few days we were all like content little babies. I still wonder if any baby in this world actually "sleeps like a baby" though, or if that saying comes from an ironic comedian..?

We went for a birthday meal with prosecco, green pizza and stripy outfits. We took walks, read books and bought baby-clothes from my favourite charity shop. We cooked vegetable lasagna, had Easter roast and apple pie and drank more coffee. Me and Jon had our very first baby-free time together and Jon took me on a run around Watford. Herbert generally behaved like babies do most, ie. loved wriggling around on the floor and exercising his legs, charmed everyone that showed him the slightest attention and wasn't satisfied until he had puked in every room in the house. I had a Tilting ale on the train down and bought the most expensive chewing gum ever on the way back.

A very good holiday... from my maternity leave. I'm returning, not less tired, but somehow revitalised. Full of food, in bigger need of coffee and inspired to build muscles and read books. Lots of muscles and books.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Heartache, NYC and endless amounts of wine

Last time I answered these type of lists was more than a decade back, in the early days of social communities and my teens. Then it was mostly about boys, love, and Friday nights. Now it's a little less exciting, but nonetheless, here it is...

What's the last thing you ate?
A soft boiled egg on crispbread with a cup of coffee.

The last ever meal, if you were to decide?
Pasta bolognese with lots of parmesan and endless red wine.

The best food city?
Without a doubt; New York City. It's got everything and has reasonable prices.

(Come to think of it, perhaps the main reason I have such nice food memories from NYC is because I've always been there for competitions, which means I've finally been allowed to eat and drink whatever I want, after a few weeks of strict dieting.)

My second visit to NYC, June 2010, with a silver medal in submission wrestling around my neck

The best restaurant meal?
A saffron ravioli I had at a super fancy golf club in the outskirts of Marbella when I was there babysitting in July 2008.

The best snack?

Nuts and tomatoes.

What caused the last hangover?
Heartache and hops, somewhere between February and April last year.

Food you love to have at home?
Beans, cheese and garlic.

What's for dinner?
A Friday regular; Moroccan veggie burgers with halloumi and roasted new potatoes.

Food you hate?
Meat, or rather the industrial production of it.

If you only got to eat one dessert for the rest of your life?
Carrot cake, of course.

Typical school lunch?
In Sweden we have free school lunches and I mainly have positive memories of them. Couscous and mixed vegetables, pasta and tomato sauce, potato and veggie meatballs, thick pancakes... I can't think of just one typical.

What's the weirdest thing in your fridge?
Film, not that weird though, just old school. I keep knee pads in the freezer, that's a little bit more bonkers.

And what do you have in the veggie box?
Film, in one of them. 21 new potatoes and a carrot in the other one - but normally I have more carrots, asparagus and peppers. Sometimes parsnips and sweet potatoes too. Going shopping tonight.

And cheese?
Parmesan and halloumi. I need to get cheddar too. The fridge isn't complete without at least three cheeses.

Food that you wish you were allergic to?
Ehh, none?

Who can eat from your plate?
Everybody, the bigger food party the better. Herbert seems particularly keen to try some of my solid food soon though.

(list taken from Niotillfem)

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Wet bibs and an honest chef

For those of you who believe that the house smells of freshly baked bread and roses just because you're on maternity leave, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to disappoint you. Our home has a strong odour of dried vomit consisting of breast milk and bile. Lovely. Our new interior is drying baby clothes and bibs, hung on whatever we can find. "Don't worry, babies puke", the midwife told us when H had just arrived. I wouldn't have imagined quite how much though. Wow.

Scrambled eggs, tomatoes and toast with cheese and Irish marmalade. Having the best meal of the day together doesn't happen often nowadays. Treasure the little things, and so on.

And finally it happend, the person profiled in Financial Times Magazine didn't pretend that life is just glitter and gold and weekends of brunch parties. To the question where he most like to be, Ollie Dabbous replied "bed". I can really, REALLY, relate to that right now. Somehow liberating. 

Red onion and chive bagel for Sunday breakfast. Delicious. Alone this time though, because Jon had to look after the baby...

as we had what we in Sweden call "sjukstuga". Google it, but don't trust google translate.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Green Gold and Roasted Potatoes

Firstly I had been dreaming of ice cream, a Daim cone more precisely, and as I have this idea that I should eat whatever I feel like (within reason) during my months of breastfeeding I went to the local shop to satisfy my craving. When I got there however, I changed my mind and wanted roasted new potatoes instead. I left with a bag of mixed leaves, a lemon and a bottle of red.

Secondly, I had been on Twitter, where I found a recipe of melted butter and lemon juice drizzled on top of roasted asparagus. My brilliant mind immediately put one and one together and I ended up with a bloody delicious meal.

Roasted new potatoes in olive oil, thyme and salt
Roasted asparagus (no oil)
A beetroot bake with goat's cheese from Asda - and let me tell you that I've never enjoyed their frozen ready-made veggie selection as much as now
A bed of mixed leaves and edamame beans
Topped with parmesan and a dressing of melted butter and juice from half a lemon

Who said you should be happy with just seven a day, hey?

Friday, 4 April 2014

Love, smile and eat carrot cake

One could, somewhat rightly, call me obsessed with celebrations, but there's no denying that they make life a little brighter. Today for instance, I've celebrated that...

1. five years ago I moved to Manchester (my initial plan was to stay for a few months and then move to Berlin... ehh?) and I fell in love instantly. A love that has grown even deeper than the river Medlock
2. I've been living in wonderful Hulme for four years
3. at this address for two years

Hulme Park
4. one night four years ago - after an Easter Sunday containing too many Bloody Marys and an embarrassing pub quiz - I met someone who made me believe in unselfish love, someone who has made my eyes smile ever since and someone I just can't have enough of waking up beside
5. I know for sure that my body can complete a 10k by May 18th

So I popped down to the vegan cafe Teatime Collective for my favourite cake above all; carrot cake.

And as if carrot cake isn't good in itself, this one was close to perfection. Moist, rich and full of fresh flavours.

One more thing, as it's Friday and all, I think we should raise our glasses to spring as well. Taking long sunny walks and having coffee outside in only a jumper is fantastic. Cheers.